Objection: The Bible isn’t a science text book and should not be read as one.
Response: This is true; the Bible contains no equations or theories like a science textbook. However, this can be misleading if you then jump to the conclusion that the Bible has no relevance to our origin. The Bible does provide factual information on the history of the world and the origin of man. For example, Scripture states that we are all descendents of Adam and Eve. Is this true? If a scientist claimed that mankind originated from many hominids or Adams from different parts of the world, would we as Catholics then be obligated to critically question that assertion? Yes, absolutely. In this way, the Bible is authoritative on things related to science and history and must be believed. By the way, the Magisterium of the church has authoritatively taught that polygenism (the belief in many Adams) is NOT permissible for Catholics. This teaching was promulgated by Pope Pius XII in the encyclical Humani Generis.